Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Catching Up!

Wow, it's been awhile since I've blogged. Guess I'm busy! Imagine that! :)

So, what's going on...Sintu loves to eat. He'll eat almost anything except for chocolate chip cookies and any sort of gummy vitamin. Those get spit out in the garbage. For awhile, we thought he'd never eat a vegetable, but our daycare lady served him green beans with ketchup and....ouila! He ate them without a problem. So it's Ranch for Dagny and Ketchup for Sintu. Thank heaven for magic sauces.

We are still having trouble with the back end of things. The worms are still there, or something is, and his diapers are terrifying. I've cleaned up so many leaky ones now, you'd think I'd be used to it, but I'm still gagging and opening windows every time. We had another round of stool cultures just this past weekend, so we'll see how those turn out. Hopefully, the clinic of Infectious Deisease (sounds so ominous) in Sioux Falls will be able to help us get things under control.

We have an appointment with the urologist in Sioux Falls on Friday to talk about his testicles. One day, he's going to read this and feel like beating me up, I just know it! Anyway, I'll keep people posted on that.

Our only real problem is adjustments for Dagny. She was so used to being the only child for four years that having another child thrown into the mix is really confusing. She throws incredible tantrums quite frequently to get attention, which is really hard to deal with. Last night, she threw a huge fit because I wouldn't make her scrambled eggs at 8:45, right before bed. The fit involved her flinging herself bodily against the door when I put her in our room so she wouldn't wake her brother. We're working on figuring out ways to help her get over that. Marc thinks if we give her more jobs so she feels more helpful and more involved that that will help, so I'll be trying that when we get home tonight. I've thought of some small jobs she can help me with.

We're getting ready to celebrate Easter and dyed a bunch of eggs last night, raw not hard-boiled. The thought is, we'll blow the eggs and make a pretty garland for next year. Of course, she's got eggs on the brain now since the eggs in the refridgerator are all pretty colors. Once I blow them, I can make scrambled eggs, so we'll have eggs for breakfast for the next few days. I think tomorrow we'll have omlettes.

Sintu has discovered the joys of reading. The other day, I thought he was still asleep and it got to be 7:30 so I went in to wake him and he was already awake, sitting in his crib and looking at the book I'd put in the night before. He was quite pleased with it and gave me the most beautiful smile. He hasn't let go of the book since! I hope that continues.

He now says "stinky diaper" when he's had a poop, which is handy (not that we can't smell it) and he loves to hold hands, everywhere we go, even if it's just walking to the kitchen. Dagny puts his bib on for breakfast and he's starting to eat meat (with ketchup) andeven having fewer nightmares in the middle of the night, which is wonderful. He goes to bed much easier, is learning about time-outs, and is fitting in just beautifully.

On a funny note, when he gets mad he does this shrugging gesture (any other ET kids do that?) and backs up with a grumpy look on his face. If you tell him no, you get a shrug. Marc calls it the 'f-you' shrug and Sintu now gets a time-out when he does it. He's starting to not do it so much, since he knows what will happen if he does. It's very funny.

And the other night, we got him dancing to music from the TV. And he really enjoyed our momentary lapse of reason last night when we watched the end of Dancing with the Stars. Shame on us.


Rob and Candy said...

Hi- I had to laugh- Henry does the double shoulder shrug. An Ethiopian told me it means "forget you" or "no way".

MommyofDoom said...

HAHAHAHA! So Marc was right!! It's is a big F YOU! :D

Anonymous said...

So great to read your update! I'm thinking of you all. Dagny will adjust, in time - most new big sisters only have to contend with a baby who sleeps a lot. She's got the walking, talking, larger than life version! Hang on in there. It sounds like, in the circumstances, you're all doing great!
