Saturday, January 24, 2009

Stressful Days

Okay, I bit off more than I could chew. Thankfully, I've realized it, my husband's realized it, and we're going to do something about it, but more on that in a minute.

We're waiting for court on Monday, where Ethiopia will decide if we can travel and get our son when we were planning to. If all goes well, we leave in just under two weeks to bring him home. Altogether, this process has taken a year and eight months and now I feel that I'm nearing the end of my pregnancy, which would make me a rhinocerous or a sperm whale, I suppose, since they're pregnant for about that long. Haven't graduated to elephant yet (2 years) and lets hope I don't. Failing Monday would be awful. Then we'd have to wait another few months possibly before we could go.

Dagny is in the whiny stage and thinks that crying and not listening will get her what she wants. Terrible twos? No, we didn't have those. We're having terrifying threes. She lost her TV priveleges, her Wii priveleges, and all her barbies last weekend for not listening and she's in the process of earning them back. All of those things have now become rewards. If she brushes her teeth and changes her clothes without a fuss, she gets to watch one episode of the Upside Down Show, which she loves.

On the other hand, she's getting funnier and far more interesting. The other day while I was in the shower, she came in, pulled the curtain back, and proceeded to sing me "I can Show You The World" from Aladdin. She actually knows most of the words, too! It was very sweet.

Now, onto the major problem. I can't handle a dog right now. All I do is make sure she's not peeing on the carpet when she's out of her crate and I am not enjoying any relaxing time at home, which at the moment, the whole family really needs. I have no more alone time (I know, that won't last long anyway) which I used to get up early to accomplish, and I can't quite manage to enjoy a workout since I'm always craning my head around to see where the dog is or trying not to step on her.

So we're finding her a new home. I know, we've only had her for a few months, but that has shown me that I really don't want a puppy, especially not when we're trying to get ready to bring another child into our home. It was a mistake, but one that we can rectify. The kennel a few towns down will take her until we find a home for her and she's stayed there before for her training class, so she knows the man in charge and likes him. He also thinks he might have a buyer for her, since someone is looking for a puppy similar to her right now. And I called the breeder, who also thinks she can help, so with luck Belle will have a new home before we leave for Africa.

*sigh* It's been a long couple weeks and all I can do is wait and prepare for leaving...but it's hard to pack when you're not absolutely sure you're going anywhere...

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