Friday, January 9, 2009

What God Throws At You...

So, I'm all worried that we won't pass court this morning and God threw a few signs at me to let me know that, even if we didn't, everything was going to fine.

First Sign: I turn the calendar over to mark the tentative dates's a picture of a large herd of elephants in Africa. Dagny just mentioned this morning that I would see elephants when we went to get her brother. God's words from the mouths of babes.

Second Sign: I had my toes done today in Sioux Falls with my friend Maria, and as we're sitting there, two women come in and sit down near us and start chatting and the language sounds faintly familiar. So I lean over and ask "Excuse me, what language are you speaking?" And the woman smiles at me and says...

"Amharic. Ethiopian." And we start talking. They are going to Ethiopia tomorrow to visit family and will be in Addis for two months. They taught me how to say our son's name and looked at his picture and said he was going to be beautiful and very tall. And they told me what his name means together (first and middle) and it is so fitting. I can't wait to share it. And they taught me how to say "I love you." And one of them gave me her phone number and told me to call her while we are in Addis.

I can't help but think that God would not have given me these things today if he didn't want me to rest assured that he is working in his way to bring my family together.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

that is really cool! Hope!