Saturday, July 19, 2008


(do not read if you have a weak tummy!)

Okay, so now there's poop. After the laxative and the suppository failed to work and it's been four days, I called the nurse this morning for some advice. Luckily, I got a friend of mine and not some random nurse, but someone who actually knows me and Dagny. Whew. I didn't feel like a complete idiot describing what was going on.

Meanwhile, while we're talking, Dagny is screaming that she's fine, which so wasn't true. She sat on the toilet with Marc for an hour and a half. Okay, Marc wasn't ON the toilet, he was sitting next to it and encouraging her and it got nowhere. So what did the nurse say to do?

Put vaseline on my finger or buy an enema kit from the drugstore. Yerks. I figured the vaseline was actually a better option, so Marc held her and I did you know what.

It was not even remotely pleasant, but it achevied the desired end. No pun intended. And I thought she'd never get near a toilet again, but when she woke up from her nap just now, she immediately went to the potty to pee.

Now, if I could only convince her that pooping is fun. We're off to Sioux Falls to get her a backpack and the book "Everybody Poops."


Renee' said...

Oh girl... next time try a thermometer instead of your finger.. that was what I always heard!! Well, hopefully there won't be a next time! My oldest daughter had the same issue, and we were moderately successful with candy bribes, but mostly she just had to grow out of it!

Susan said...

Jeremy used not want to poop in the potty too. He'd bring us a diaper and announce "Poop time!!" We'd put the diaper on him, and he'd do his thing. He's 10 now, and he's fine. :-D Thank God! LOL!

I hope this resolves itself soon for your sanity's sake!

Love you! Susan

Jori said...

Way to "stinkin" funyy!! All my kids have pooped so far ... you rock mama!!! :):)Not a fun thing!!
love ya, Jori