Sunday, March 30, 2008

Learning to Blog!

Well, thanks to Candy Tennant, Pete Juvinall, Jori Armstrong, and Rebecca Caldwell I might have a handle on this now. Might being the operative word.

Please notice on the side that I have put up a paypal button for our fundraising tee shirts. Of course, I don't know if it will work until someone actually buys a shirt (this is a shirt!) and then I'll post whether or not I was successful.

You guys rock. Without you, I would have a sad little blog, stuck in cyberspace, without any sort of interesting things attached to it, much less the stunning blogs of others and a fundraising opportunity.

I can't say enough good things about the yahoogroups for AWAA members adopting from Ethiopia. Everyone there is so wonderful and so supportive, I've never felt more welcome. And I've never met any of them in person! How's that for silly!? We've heard each other's voices on conference calls, I read their blogs, I even have a few of their pictures on my refridgerator, but I've never met them. I might have a chance to meet a few families that live close by in the Twin Cities sometime, but I look forward to some sort of gathering where we can all meet up, even if I've got to fly to get there!

Go buy a shirt! (Just kidding...)

1 comment:

Rebecca Caldwell said...

Your blog looks awesome!! You are a pro!